Full-Stack Web Development with PERN Tech Stack: Postgres, Express, React and Node.

Topgyal Gurung
3 min readJun 15, 2019


Deployment with Heroku


Important Notes covering summaries from Frontend to Backend and finally deploying to Heroku.

  1. PostgreSQL: Postgres is a TCP Server listening on a TCP port ( 5432 by default) for request. It uses the postgres://protocol.
  • psql is the PostgreSQL command line interface
  • GUI like Postico, Datazenit
  • Install PostGreSQL

2. Express: Express allows you to start and configure a server with very little overhead and instead focus on the important work of defining server behavior.

  • create routes to implement server behavior for different HTTP methods and paths.
  • routers and middleware, in order to write clean and readable server-side code
  • Back — End Architecture

3. React JS: Javascript library for building user interfaces built by Facebook. React is fast and easier to build more modular and reusable code.

4. Node JS: is a platform for building applications.

  • Allows to run JavaScript outside of the browser.
  • is server-side Javascript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JS Engine
  • Node.js’ npm largest ecosystem of open source libraries
React JavaScript, React Lifecycle, React Router
Redux, Redux Thunk Middleware
Express Javascript, PostgreSQL, Sequelize ORM, Heroku



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