Rastafarianism Religion

In what ways is art significant in Rastafarianism? What does Bob Marley and the ideas his music conveys. In what ways does art reflect Rastafarian views toward reality? How are the ideas in revelation present in the song? In what ways does it speak to the world today? How does such art change the person who experiences it?

Topgyal Gurung
5 min readAug 6, 2019
Bob Marley

Art is significant in Rastafarianism as art expresses its philosophy and understanding of the reality. Rastafarianism main focus is on race consciousness that is to let people know their true self worth and not to be deluded by Babylon’s lifestyle and system. Rastafarians believe in acknowledging and appreciating their African roots as central to their being and identity. The art form that Rastafarians embrace to share Rastafari message is by means of unique style of dressing, own musical and artistic expressions, hair styles and others. The music which Bob Marley and his band “The Wailers” widely known as Reggae music has been most successful art form that introduced Rastafarianism and its philosophy to the world.

Bob Marley through his lyrics in his music has made a significant impact throughout the world sharing Rastafari message of love, unity and awareness. Throughout his life he was in a movement through music to criticize mainstream lifestyles and rejection of white man’s Babylon system which has controlled people lifestyles. Bob Marley saw his music as a potential art form through which he could propagate the message against such system and spread the message of love and unity in Jamaica and throughout the world. He was indeed very successful in doing so in such a short years of his lifetime. The dreadlocks and smoking of marijuana has also spiritual meaning in Rastafarianism. Bob Marley also grew dreadlocks and were seen most of the time smoking ganja or marijuana.

The certain lifestyle of Rastafarians has also symbolism and conveys certain aspect of their beliefs and practices. The uncombed, coiled locks which is known as deadlocks became a hairstyle among Rastafarians which symbolize Lion’s mane of Judah or Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia whom they belief as the second coming of the Jesus Christ (190). Although, some people nowadays perceive dreadlock hairstyle as a fashion, but wherever there is a dreadlock in any art forms like in picture or in any visual representation, it can be understood as Rastafarians’ hairstyles. Likewise, the smoking of Ganja or marijuana is also a way of living of Rastafarianism as they believe the act as a ritual for spiritual enlightenment (190). Reasoning is important part of Rastafarians as they gather, smoke marijuana sitting in circle and have spiritual and idealistic discussions. Since, there is no central figure to interpret the beliefs, such reasonings play vital significance in making acceptable doctrines for Rastafarianism.

Bob Marley is known as the Reggae king of the world. One of the best song I found out is Talkin’ Blues from his album “Natty Dread” released in 1974 with his “The Wailers Band”. The song talks about poverty and speak against churches, which are in the name of God spreading lies. Through his lyrics he seems to protest and revolutionize the wrong system that prevails in the society which is causing sufferings and inequalities. The song started as saying he slept in cold ground as his bed and the rock was his pillow. This speaks about the struggle he faced in his young age when his father left him at an elderly woman. This also talks about the struggle of poor people and sufferings that he has seen growing up in Kingston. Even the basic needs of shelter is not fulfilled because of huge gap between rich and poor. This can also relate with the near of revelation as such sad sufferings are being experienced by poor people.

He sings that he is going to stare in the sun although he wore permanent screw as he have been on the rock for long time. He also adds that he is going to take one step more. This lines has a purpose to give people hope, faith and work harder every day for greater good. Since, he have been through the suffering, he is hopeful and gradually taking steps to bring the change. One of the most powerful lines in the song is that he says he feels like bombing a church and the preacher is lying. This also can present that the revelation is near as the preacher in the church who is supposed to deliver and advocate Christ’s message to the people is lying. This shows that such a bad time as arrive as such sinful things are happening.

The song has an uplifting and motivating words that makes listeners think of the situation of the world. He puts himself in the song as the person who went through the sufferings and realization of the reality. Metaphorical words are used like staring in the sun so that rays shine in the eyes which is understandable as a learning of true knowledge through the search of truth with constant effort. He wants people to unite together to fight for the social system that is unfair, falsehood and corrupted. He asks people not just to stay home and be selfish, but to fight for their freedom with the other freedom fighters by stepping outside their home.

The world we live in today has still poor countries where people have difficulty in fulfilling their basic needs like housing, food, clean water, education, healthcare and clothing. The song still resonates and shows its message of existence of extreme poverty in the world. In the name of religion and God, some religious institutions like temples, churches, mosques misuse money and spread wrong message to the world. Nowadays, people have been brain washed by media and lead by unqualified leaders which is making countries and world a scary place to live at. Art in the form of pictures, dances, dramas, movies and songs can play important weapon to reveal the truth to the people and can bring reformations by uniting and motivating them to act accordingly. Bob Marley reggae songs have played as an important means to motivate people to question the truth, brings hope and unite the people.

